W&C 2021 Flyer Image
Registration is open! We’re excited to announce Warbirds and Classics, August 6-8, 2021 at OCMA is a go! It will be great to see you all once again! f


Hi Everyone The May Newsletter is ready. Click Here Of significant note is Pano’s announcement in the newsletter. Thank you Pano for another great newsletter!

May Newsletter

Hi All, Another fun and informative newsletter is ready! Reminders – If you haven’t done so yet, it’s great time to renew your membership for the Squadron (Link on the Home Page) And don’t forget, OCMA one of the few places to fly in Orange Count, is OPEN and better […]

Newsletter for March is Ready

Covid has us all still on lock-down and no meetings. Let’s stay connected with the newsletter. Hope to see you all soon!

Happy New Year

HI Everyone! The Squadron wishes you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We’re still in lockdown but still staying connected. One way we’re doing that is our club newsletter. Check out our Dec edition HERE

Merry Christmas – Dec Newsletter is available

Ladies and Gentlemen, another fine newsletter has been posted. Thanks to our club Prez Sam Wright and Editor Pano not only for putting out a darn fine newsletter, but keeping us connected as a group. August News – Click Here!

Aug 2020 Newsletter is Ready

Get all the latest on all the cool stuff going on with the Squadron Members! It’s our July Newsletter! Check it out!

July Newsletter